![]() Honey's History? Honey’s history? Well, without the Bee there would be no honey. The Bee fearfully and wonderfully made with its brain 10,000 times smaller than man’s. Fearfully because of its five eyes in a triangle on its head the two biggest eyes compound of 1,000 lenses. The Bee cannot focus because it has no pupils and cannot see the red flowers, only yellow, blue, and ultraviolet. Just as the rays of the sun man fears the sting stinger; it is poisonous! This is the Bees’ only means of defense in which his 22 muscles control it, and when it has been pulled out of the Bee’s body she dies of the loss. However, the queen survives it; the Bee has 5,000 nostrils, its wings vibrates at 11,400 times per minute and in the time it takes to gather one pound of honey it has traveled 50,000 miles. The circumference of the Earth is 24, 896 miles, twice the journey will be 49, 792 miles. Remarkable! The Bee is deaf; natural communicators who share their knowledge; work hard; alerted to danger workers stand guard over the hive against invaders, and sacrifice their lives for the safety of the community (the faithful). In flight the Bee travels forward, backward, sideways, and hovers. There are 10, 000 species of Bees communal and solitary; the solitary Bee is alone trying to make it on its own, it is neither devoted nor as faithful, man is baffled as to how the Bees know what to do and when to do it. Wonderfully because it makes honey and Bees’ wax, its long tounge is designed to suck up the nectar into its honey stomach not much bigger than the head of a needle. She (the Bee) would have to make 60 trips to collect one thimble full of honey; the hard workers would make up to 1,000 visits. Stop and reflect for a minute on the industry of the Bee the next time you eat the mystical honey. She collect pollen and mold it into solid mass for transport of one of her legs. This is done at such an incredible speed that it is impossible to detect every movement at present. The honeycomb is a mass of hexagonal six-sided cells for the storage of honey and eggs, it is made of Bees’ wax; a type of wax produce by special glands in the worker – bees’ abdomen. It oozes out through pores on her abdomen where she collects it after chewing it turns into wax. This is produced only when needed. The hexagons are geometrically perfect, and is a great representation of the six –pointed – star. Honey is an overlooked miraculously created food by the- Source- of -life through the Bee. A popular medicine, and principle part of ointment and plasters. An antibacterial, the darker the honey the better the antibacterial and antioxidant properties; fermenting at 60 degrees and absorbs moisture when stored at 60% percent relative humidity. Composed of highly concentrated H20 solutions of sugar, dextrose C6 H12 06 H20, levulose C6 H12 a carbohydrate and high energy source. Other sugars are 12 in number: Isomaltose, Furanose, Maltose, Nigerose, Kojibiose, Leucrose, Melexitose, Erlose, Kestose, Raffinose, Dextrose, and the one above. Honey contain minerals in all: potassium, Chlorine, Sulpher, Calcium, Sodium Phosphorous, Magnesium, Silica, Iron, Manganese, and Copper. Honey cures the body naturally; right knowledge cures the mind from falsehood and confusion. Inspiration of the master...
AuthorAnthony's Honey Archives
December 2020
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